I am a software engineer.
I live in the UK and currently work for DeviantArt.
This blog lets me vent some of the tech junk that is always on my mind. If it does nothing else
I consider it a courtesey to my wife.
You should note the date on anything you read here. There are things written here in the past that I leave for historical purposes rather than because they remain accurate or even consistent with my current opinions.
In case it's not obvious, this is my personal blog. The views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer.
I posted a while back about PHP's lack of decent support for multiple inheritance, and concluded that Mixin like behaviour just wasn't natural to PHP as it stands. PHP 5.4 looks like it will change that with the addition of traits.
Simas Toleikis introduces traits in a great blog post. I'm excited, it looks like it could solve many of the issues I bemoaned PHP as lacking.
Since I have no first hand experience, I'll regurgitate this example from Simas' post above to whet your appetite.
trait Singleton {
publicstaticfunction getInstance() { ... }
class A {
use Singleton;
// ...
class B extends ArrayObject {
use Singleton;
// ...
// Singleton method is now available for both classes