I am a software engineer.
I live in the UK and currently work for DeviantArt.
This blog lets me vent some of the tech junk that is always on my mind. If it does nothing else
I consider it a courtesey to my wife.
You should note the date on anything you read here. There are things written here in the past that I leave for historical purposes rather than because they remain accurate or even consistent with my current opinions.
In case it's not obvious, this is my personal blog. The views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer.
If you read this blog you'll be aware that I am a geek and love finding new resources to learn more about geeky things online for free. I've lately found two great resources which will keep me interested for a while.
First is a set of lectures for an entire module on Analysis of Algorithms from MIT which is available from Peteris Krumins' blog (the videos were released under CC license). Fascinating and a great resource - made me realise how much I missed learning real subjects from real academics!
Second resource is probably more well-known but new to me. It's Google's Code University which seems to be a great resource listing many courses and materials on a wide range of computer science subjects.